Friday, May 2, 2014

A TRIPLE PACK MOVIE REVIEW: The Amazing Spiderman 2, The Spectacular Now and Don Jon.

I've been called crazy to write a whole post about three different movies, but since my time has been limited, I shall now have the opportunity to write about the latest movies I've seen.

FIRST, (I just got back home from the movie theater, because I had to see it on its opening weekend) is The Amazing Spiderman 2!

I've never cried so much in a movie before, not like 4 times in the same night with true sentiment.
1) The cast: I mean come on, Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone's chemistry is off the charts, I mean they are boyfriend and girlfriend in real life so of course we have this perfect combo of feels, because of them. Jamie Foxx as Electro, Spidey's  new nemesis, was truly perfect, him from being Spiderman's obsessive fanboy to a badass villain was a great transition. Dane Deehan as Harry Osborne/Green Goblin, I mean I loved how James Franco played that character in the older movie versions of Spiderman, but this amazing actor brought his game and truly gave it a more darker and even scarier side, I wanted to see more of his evil plans. Aunt May (Sally Field) I mean come on, this woman on her beautiful scenes, just makes me cry because her performances are always key to Peter Parker and I just can't handle the perfection.
3) I loved that the movie just surprised me, because I wasn't expecting anything in particular, just something about Gwen's (SPOILER), but other than that, I wanted this movie to blow my mind. AND IT DID. RACHEL'S MIND WAS BLOWN.
Go see it, I want to watch it like a million times more!
Here is the trailer and Andrew Garfield's face is worth it all.

The second movie I want you to check out is The Spectacular Now (no spoilers, I promise):
I watched this one last week, because I wanted to watch more of Shailene Woodley's acting, since I've read she is a badass actress who really captivates, and I finally made time to watch the movie, who also stars along with her, Miles Teller. Both of them are also in Divergent, so this movie was bound to be seen.
1) Plot was genius and refreshing: it is a coming of age movie. We have this cute protagonist, who likes to party and live in the now, quoting him, Sutter Keely (Miles Teller) while Aimee Finicky (Shailene Woodley) is a girl who does have dreams and believes that things have a purpose and even if she faces obstacles, she has a smile on her face, she isn't selfish, but thinks of others before herself.
2) Since we focus on Sutter's point of view, we truly suffer along with him and how he faces his truths, how he falls in love with Aimee, and how he begins to think of his future. We normally thought like him in high school, doubting about our abilities to become someone important.
3) I think everyone should watch this movie, because it can give you new sides to see your life, how ordinary things make life so precious and how we need to value ourselves no matter what obstacles we face.
CHECK IT OUT, Definitely a new favorite of mine:

Third movie: DON JON. Joseph Gordon Levitt's masterpiece.
For this movie, I wanted to see it ever since it was in the movie theaters, but since Netflix uploaded it recently, I finally had the chance to watch it.
I love Joseph Gordon Levitt, and I would go ga ga for him in anything he does. This is his HitRecordJoe (his film business) first legit film directed and written by him. Basically it is centered on Jon's life, his ordinary and boring routine with that secret of his obsession with porn. I think this movie was beautiful, because it is not this typical film where we see that this guy has a mediocre life and this woman comes and sweeps him of his feet and he becomes a sweet and pure guy, no. We see how this affects him, how he tries to become this thing he's not when he's with Barbara Sugarman (Scarlett Johansson) and then he meets Esther (Julianne Moore) who has survived, even though a secret is killing her and Jon never actually cares for her until the end, where he's invested in his curiosity for her, an older woman who may just have changed him a bit, not a complete change like in typical romantic comedies, but we see the beautiful process in the movie.
A great flick to watch on your free time:

Happy movie watching lovelies!
Until the next post!

PS. Thinking of making youtube videos in summer, would you like that? Leave a comment below!

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