Friday, May 30, 2014

Film review: X-Men: Days of Future Past! Spoilers!

Even if you don't believe me, this film review has been requested by many of you and that makes me ecstatic and everything happy-adjectives related...
I'm like a week late, but here it is! X-Men: Days of Future Past review!

I went to see it last Sunday, and I was not expecting anything, I had my mind clear, without any hopes up and just went it to soak it all in, of course I have heard and read that the movie had exceeded a lot and I was like excited, but not like piling up all my thoughts on it.
Here I go: (a mini list of course and again, since I don't read the comics, I'll mostly write about my favorite scenes and/or geek out because of the effects and acting.) Also, SPOILERS AHEAD.
  • The acting: this cast, people, this cast is pure perfection. Come on, Mystique's decision was the one who changed the X-Men's fate and who better to play that role that the fantastic Jennifer Lawrence. Unlike her acting in First Class, which she didn't shine that much, in Days of Future Past, she went to infinity and beyond. I love Hugh Jackman, he's the best Wolverine and the only one that should exist and his dynamic with young Charles Xavier and Erik (Magneto) was tremendous. McAvoy, Fassy and Jackman should do more movies together. Peter Dinklage, enough said. Nicholas Holt (Beast) such a cutie and his endless love for Mystique makes me cry every time. Finally, James Mcavoy and Patrick Stewart's scene just killed me. Perfect motivation for a perfect plot and it made an amazing film.
  • Favorite scenes: I loved the whole movie. Totally difficult for me to write about the whole movie don't you think, but here's a few that stood out:
    • Quicksilver rescuing Magneto: YAS, can we have more Quicksilver in the future?
    • Beast, Xavier, Wolverine meeting Quicksilver: yeah again, lol.
    • Obviously, the future war and the past's feud in where Magneto lifted the baseball park and used the Sentinels to declare war on humans. LOVED THE TENSION and the future/past transition.
    • Loved the many times Xavier was on Mystique's head and she didn't want to be convinced to not kill Trask...
    • And when Mystique shot Magneto. Yup.
  • Finally, you have to see this newest Marvel masterpiece, made it short to prevent any more spoilers lol, but enjoy!
Here is the trailer and comment whatever you feel, if you saw the movie already! Give me your opinions! Write to you later, lovelies!

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