Monday, June 30, 2014

Movie Reviews: Under The Skin & Austenland + TV Shows recs!

Hello, no time no see or write to you guys, I'm here to let you know about the latest movies I've watched and the series I've been loving lately!
First, almost a week ago I went to Fine Arts (cinema) with one of my closest friends to watch Under The Skin, starring Scarlett Johansson. I truly had no idea what the movie was about, but since ScarJo was in it, I guess it would be a good one. The beginning of the movie was literally the formation of an eye, of a human eye, as if we were seeing the process of a human being created, later some beautiful and random sequences happened, the weird thing was that there was little dialogue and script, literally the movie's visuals were the one telling the story and trying to decipher why this story is happening. It was a bit frustrating to learn about what was ScarJo's character, we do know she's an alien using a human's skin to do their alien mission, but why? And to what purpose? The plot of the movie wasn't that deep and profound enough. This movie is literally filled with beautiful sceneries of Scotland, but unfortunately, that is what I only liked about this movie. It's frustrating, but at the same time you like how Scarlett Johansson is acting, and you are invested in finding out why and how, and also that at the end, she's running away to live among the humans, even though it's hard, but sadly it didn't enchant me. Here's the trailer if one day you consider watching it: 3/5 stars.

Since that same Sunday, I was a bit weird with my mood because of Under The Skin, I decided to watch a movie called Austenland and I was hoping it didn't ruin the essence of my favorite writer, Jane Austen. I've watched a few of the modern adaptation of the novels, which I truly love, and this movie in particular directed by Stephenie Meyer, yes the Twilight Saga writer, is about this woman who lives and breathes Jane Austen's works and related, and she decided one day to go to London to a place who literally bring that part of history back to life and actors who play their parts to honor Austen's works. Jane, the protagonist of the story, is definitely ecstatic about it, but some things don't go the way she wants, until she takes charge of her story. It's really entertaining and if you like period stories, you'll love this one, because since it's a mixture of the past and the present, you'll watch some funny stuff along the movie. I loved it and here's the trailer (also love JJ Feild).

Now for TV, I've been watching a couple of series which I will make bullets for now and talk a bit about not giving much away:
  • Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D: If you love Marvel's movies, you'll adore this series, you have more insight in what SHIELD is all about and you get to see how Coulson is brought back from the dead, and meet some new agents and their different mission. Villains and heroes and if you are one big geek like I am, you'll adore it.
  • Orange is the New Black: guys, this series is a whole new level of genius, you're literally seeing how women could be inside prison and we see it through Piper Chapman's eyes. Every episode is gold and it is definitely a must see.
  • Parks and Recreation: I've been watching Parks and Recreation since two years ago, but I recently finished season 5 and started 6 and if you love comedy, and Amy Poehler, this is your show.
  • Arrested Development: Since now, you must know there is a pattern here, and I like comedy so much, so this series was hard to resist, I just started it, and I like it. It's Will Arnett and Jason Bateman, Michael Cera, so hard to not watch this on Netflix.
  • Orphan Black: I just finished and watched live the season 2 finale and if you're interested in clones and different sides of a woman, this is your show. Also Tatiana Maslany will have so much Oscar nominations in the future, that woman is incredible and her acting is excellent, out of this world.
So those are my mini-reviews for the TV shows I'm currently watching if you want me to specify on something, you can write below in the comments! Thank youuuu!
Until next time, lovelies.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Film Review: The Fault in Our Stars! New favorite film!

Hi lovelies, and I'm here to let you know how much I loved The Fault in Our Stars, I'm still not over how much I loved the movie. I can't control myself. I'm already planning on buying everything related to it, because it literally stole my heart. I went yesterday to watch the film with two of my dearest and childhood friends whom I missed a lot and we finally got the time to hang out and catch up! Shout out, to you ladies! Well, I need to confess you something: I couldn't read the book, because I don't own it yet, I'm a bit disappointed in myself, but oh, well, I'll read it in summer since I want to know the full story. I still knew what the movie was about and I was not ready to cry, I mean maybe a bit, since I know the cast in the movie are great actors, and of course, I would expect to have scenes where I could not control myself.
Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort were just extraordinary. They have this chemistry like no other, and they truly worked it out incredibly. These two teenagers who struggle with different types of cancer fall in love and make the best of it. Since I didn't read the book, and maybe if I did, I would be more picky with the memorable quotes, but I noticed there were some special quotes that totally impacted me and that I'm sure I'll be able to spot them in the book. Augustus Waters is my new ideal man. He who made Hazel's life have a meaning, he gave her a new everlasting happiness in the brief time they spent together. All of their scenes in their trip to Amsterdam were flawless. I just don't want to give away too much. But guys, this movie is not completely sad, it's about life, it's about enjoying it without fears, to not be afraid of love and/or life or death. To fall in love and not be afraid of letting go. To love beyond time, and that death shouldn't scare you. It brought really good emotions in me and I think everyone should watch even though they'll spend half of the movie shedding tears. You won't regret it. I'll save some money to buy the soundtrack, which is another level, songs by M83, Kodaline, Charli XCX, Tom Odell and many more, and I promise I'll also buy the book, which I've always wanted to read but hadn't had the time until now. GO WATCH THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, PLEASE! FANTASTIC JOHN GREEN!
Here is the trailer, lovelies, until next time!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Film Review: Maleficent!

Hello, there lovelies!
I went today to the movies with my brothers and decided to go watch Disney's Maleficent.

Before the movie, there were trailers for Cinderella that will come in 2015 and Big Hero 6 in Fall. I'm pretty excited for both since I'm a huge fan of Disney movies. Now, going back to Maleficent, I was not ready for it at all, I had all these questions in my head, Would it have a plot twist? Will it be similar to the concept of Snow White and the Huntsman? Would it follow the Disney's classic, Sleeping Beauty story? I wasn't ready. Before the movie, I read a post in Tumblr, that the movie's plot had a similar dynamic from Frozen, in where true love not necessarily comes from a love between man and woman, but of family and friendship. I won't try to give away too much, but caution: spoilers ahead.
  • Angelina Jolie as Maleficent was the best thing that could ever happen, without her, the movie wouldn't have been the same. We all know how impressive and strong is Angelina Jolie's presence in a role for any film, because of her talent. In the movie, we see this fairy who protects the creature of where she's from and how innocent and naïve she was as a child. From hero to villain, it was a great transition, but also we do see how vulnerable Maleficent really is. A woman who has been hurt and blames others for her tragedy, but we also see that it wasn't her fault.
  • In the movie, Maleficent also becomes a motherly-figure to Aurora (Elle Fanning) who even though she was keeping an eye, because she is the most important thing to the person who hurt her in the past, she grows fond of Aurora and helps her, to the point of regretting everything she's done. This in particular reminded me of Brave's story arc of the importance of a mother-daughter's love. It had that beautiful element.
  • Frozen's story arc of sisterly love was definitely seen in this movie, where Maleficent being a mother (fairygodmother) figure to Aurora, we see that true love was definitely bound to be between the two, and I loved that it doesn't necessarily come from a man, and that even though Phillip was in the movie, as he himself said: "He only has known her for a day." Love has to be earned and acquired because of effort and great patience, be there for the other person, unlike the classic movie, we see a bit of real in the movie, and what Aurora wanted was to belong, and she found a home in Maleficent.
  • Maleficent had WINGS. She loses them, and that killed me. How awesome to see a hero fall and then rise again because she wants to fix her wrongs.
  • The colors in this movie, the forest scenes, the creatures, the special effects were really pretty and literally magic.
  • Overall, I liked it a lot, and you should watch too!
Here is the trailer!

and Cinderella's Teaser!
Until the next post loveliesssss, (now I'm going to have a mini-Disney movie marathon!)