Sunday, January 25, 2015

The story of a girl and her eye liners!

Hi lovelies, so today I decided to talk to you about my past eye liners, which some of them may not really stay with me anymore, because I've moved on, lol. I recently bought a Rimmel London Scandal Eyes liquid eye liner in the shape of a marker, which is really useful and easy to use. A picture of it is in my Instagram, which you can visit here. So back to my past eye liners, as you can see, from left to right, it's L'Oreal's Blackest black gel liner, my Mark's Painted Black Liquid eye liner, my Maybelline's Master Precise liquid - marker liner and my Rimmel London's Exaggerate liquid eyeliner. From all of these, I love my Mark liquid eyeliner the most, because even if it was liquid, I actually learned to use liquid eyeliner with it, so its really easy to handle and to apply to your eyelid and it was a very intense black winged eye liner for me. I'm going to miss it, because I really got it as a gift, I could try and buy it, but right now it isn't really beneficial for my budget, but if I have the chance, I may buy it in a near future once again. My other favorite liner among these is Maybelline's Master Precise, because it made me apply eye liner quicker and if I had to leave in my car like in one minute for college, applying the liner would take like that exact minute. Really handy and easy to apply, but I got sad that this liquid-marker liner didn't really last that long, but only like six months. I mean it is a long time, but I've had liners that have had a more life-span than this one has so I like it, it's really useful, but maybe I won't see it in my makeup bag in a long time. L'Oreal's gel liner is really good as well, I used to use it so much for a while, now that it's old, I need to get rid of it sadly, but it's a good quality gel liner and I don't know if its still on market, but a really good product. It doesn't lie when it provides a really intense black color and a 24 hour lasting time on your eyelids. This is it, these are my ex eye liners, I will miss them so much, but I definitely recommend them!
Until the next post! xoxo 

Monday, January 19, 2015

New TV favorites!

Hello there again you lovely people. I wanted to write since the last post, but didn't know of what up until now, and you need to know what I've been obsessing about lately, TV wise.
I'm currently addicted to Agent Carter, Brooklyn Nine Nine and FRIENDS, yes, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel, Joey, Ross and Chandler are my new favorite people to hang around with lately.
First up, I'm going to talk to you about Agent Carter.
It aired its pilot in January 6th in ABC and its a series that revolves around the famous Captain America character, Peggy Carter. This series is just incredible, stylish and kick*ss. I think that everybody should enjoy this show whenever you just sit down in your living room and enjoy the action and the struggle that it was to be a woman in the 1950's, because no one really wanted to live in a time where woman weren't taken seriously, but Agent Carter is the one who goes to distance and proves that women can do a man's job as easily as ever. I enjoy every minute of it, from Howard Stark's trust in Peggy, every punch Agent Carter gives to any villain or thug and also Edwin Jarvis's loyalty to her and Stark. I just know it's the start of something really incredible and I'm looking forward to new episodes every Tuesday at 9pm. Don't miss it!
Next up, Brooklyn Nine Nine!
Now this series is just amazing and original, something fresh and funny that I couldn't stop watching during the winter break. I think I finished like season 1 in two days or something like that. This is a show where we are witnessing the amazing skills of Brooklyn's top detectives and their adventures to their love lives. Jake Peralta, Rosa, Boyle, Amy Santiago, Terry, Gina Linetti and Ray Holt are just a combo you don't want to miss. Incredible acting and I could not stop laughing, because just so hilariously well made program. You need to check it out!
I thanked God, because Netflix decided to stream this classic program, that I've been forever wishing to watch in order and know why the gang is so popular and quotable, and now I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT. I've NEVER enjoyed and become so obsessed with a show since The Office and I just can't leave a day without watching any of the gang's new stories to find about and how everybody is doing with their lives. I just have become so attached, I cry for them, like if they are going through some horrible breakups or having lousy moments, I just have feels. I just love each of the characters so much. The show actually has something of a complex and profound concept as well as creative and it doesn't ever cease to impress me or surprise me with the new things they do. I just really praise its writing. God bless this series and if you aren't watching it, please do me a favor and reconnect with the 90s with me and see the classic that is FRIENDS.
Until the next post lovelies! xx

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Hobbit experience!

Hello lovelies!
The day after Christmas, we went to Best Buy to buy some movies or TV seasons for us as presents and my brothers decided to give my dad a little surprise by buying the first two The Hobbit films: An Unexpected Journey and Desolation of Smaug. We have this tradition of watching films as a family, so monthly or occasionally we have a family film favorite and currently it's The Hobbit trilogy. I've always acknowledged its hype and I've always wanted to watch them and now that I've had, I'm head over heels. The star of the movies is Martin Freeman and that man is currently one of my favorite actors ever and since Love Actually and Sherlock, I knew that  because of him, these films had to be gold because he stars in them. I was right. He's just amazing at what he loves. Obviously, the most impressive element of the films is the spectacular New Zealand scenery, which I can't ever get enough of. I was blown away. Another reason is the amazing cast and incredible talent they have. I fell in love with Richard Armitage (Thorin), Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Lee Pace (Thranduil), Luke Evans (Bard) and Evangeline Lilly (Tauriel) as well as Orlando Bloom (Legolas) who is one of my many boyfriends, lol. I'm going to get in details soon, so keep on reading. I'm warning you that there will be spoilers ahead, if you haven't seen any of the films. Yesterday I went to watch the final movie of the trilogy and I'm having some feels. I need to write them as of now.

Among the three films, I enjoyed Battle of The Five Armies, because it was the decisive one and things had to get sorted out. I definitely hated the idea of realizing that it was the last film, but oh well, everything has to end. One of the many things I want to discuss from Battle of The Five Armies is Thorin's scene where he is battling with his mind and trying to control his dragon sickness. He feels like he's inside a gold pit of nothingness and repeats to himself that he is not his grandfather. I loved it. I think it was so stressful and it needed to happen, because he's the hero, he's the dwarves' leader and without him, hope was disappearing. Another scene was Smaug's death. Bard believed in himself and trusted that he got the chance to kill Smaug the minute he could. I loved how real it felt that he saved his people and instantly became their protector; they followed him for their sake. I loved Bard's bravery.
Thorin's death was the end of me. That battle scene was a little weird for me though, because he had some chances to kill that disgusting Orc and taking the easy way first was his downfall. It was brilliant that when he got stabbed, he had the chance to kill the Orc, but that meant that with him dying, it was the only way for his story to end? I was not disappointed, but I think his life was like beginning and ending it like that was definitely sad. His friendship with Bilbo is like one of the greatest love stories I've ever encountered and I cried when Bilbo cried beside Thorin realizing he lost him. It reminded me of Watson when he discovered Sherlock died, I couldn't handle myself. I was like making sad faces at dad, because I really didn't want Thorin nor Kili or Fili to die.
Kili and Tauriel was another relationship that even if nothing happened between them, their chemistry was off the charts and just like Thranduil said after Tauriel crying, told him that why did it hurt so much, it was because their love was real. Boom, I'm dead. Throughout Desolation of Smaug and this film, their love grew stronger, but I would have loved if Tauriel could have been more wordy about her feelings, but we knew through Lily's acting how she felt, so I'm satisfied. I'm going to miss this trilogy so much, but now I'm going to enjoy them so much whenever I want to pop the DVD and have feels forever because these films are just pure adventure and so pretty, you won't want to miss this treasure of a trilogy. I'm going to have a Lord of The Rings binge marathon soon, because I honestly don't remember the films. I do remember the characters, but I need to freshen up my memory. Thank you dears and I'll write to you soon! Go watch the Battle of Five Armies, you won't regret it!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

2014 favorites!

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Hello my lovely readers, so I decided to make a 2014 favorites' blog post in where I will show you from makeup, movies, tv series, books to music that I enjoyed during the past year! I was inspired by some bloggers and youtubers to make this. Just keep reading ahead.

Let's start with beauty and makeup!

All the beauty products I use:

  • Concealer from Benefit
  • Foundation - Sephora
  • Powder - Sephora
  • Eyeliner (Black) - Maybelline's Master Precise 
  • Mascara (both black) - Maybelline's The Falsies & The Colossal
  • Lipsticks (favorites explained below) from MAC, Rimmel London's Kate Moss' collection
  • BB Cream - Benefit
  • Facial Radiance Polish - Benefit

Favorite lipsticks of the year!

First off, I bought it recently, that means last week, but it made it to the 2014 favorites, because I bought it and used it last year! It's MAC's Pink Nouveau. The shade is matte, and it's vibrant, but not too much. It's a very casual colour and it's definitely my top favorite right now. Also it's my first MAC lipstick! Here's for this year to many new ones!

Kate Moss' Collection from Rimmel London

I really love matte lipsticks, as you may notice, and these two are just gorgeous colours. The first below in the picture is #06. It's like a really colorful fuschia color. Really strong, but so bright and vibrant. I'm in love with it. The second one is the one I mostly used during fall, which is the #01, a dark red shade, not quite like a wine colour, but a dark red and it's lovely! It's my main lipstick everywhere I go.

Maybelline's 905 in the shade called Brazen Berry. My mom bought this for me early this year and I fell in love with the really vivid purple colour. I love it. Everytime I go out is really hard to choose between this one and every other lipstick I own, because it's an all time favorite also during the year. 

Favorite nail polish!

Every colour here are the ones I've been using the whole year for the majority of the time and I'm probably going to wear them for the rest of my life on my nails. My absolute favorites from all time.

1. Rimmel London's Red Award (wine colour, dark red)
2. Essie's Bahama Mama (a dark purple)
3. Essie's Strut Your Stuff (very vibrant royal blue)
4. Tuck it in my tux (not a matte white, really glossy creamy white)

Eye makeup!
I usually get compliments with how well my eyes are done so here are the eye liner and mascara I use:

Really easy to use eye liner! 100% perfection.

I also bought a new concealer from Benefit which definitely makes the job. It's fantastic, it's glimmery and it covers my dark circles perfectly. It's a flawless concealer seriously. 

 Random and fun things I love!

I've mentioned before that I started reading comics during the year and I bought this issue like three months ago. So I highly recommend Black Widow and the Hawkeye issues because they have such pretty artwork as really compelling stories. You can catch up with these superheroes and what they have been up to. Need to read more actually so I'll be up to date soon.

I read Divergent and finished it before the movie came out in March, right on time to watch the film in the cinema, so I basically had so much feels about FourTris and every horrible thing or sad, or just plain scarring. And that made me enjoy the film more, so I highly recommend Divergent. I started reading Insurgent, so I NEED to finish it soon also.

Oh Arrow, you literally own my soul. I bought the season like two weeks ago. But I'm updated with the series and 2014 was definitely the greatest for the show and it obviously needs some more love (maybe for forever) so if you haven't seen the show please do. You won't regret it. It's just insanely well written, entertaining superhero work.

I've always wanted a Nylon subscription, and I will finally have it soon this year, but in 2014 I bought my first two issues and I'm probably biased, but whatever I LOVE THIS MAGAZINE. It's the greatest ever. I love it.

Soon I'll post my favorite albums (music) in another blog post, so until the next post lovelies!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Film starter pack for 2015!

Happy New Year lovelies! My first 2015 post in the first day of this promising new year. You know what a new year means right?
Award season and NEW MOVIES. I really can't wait for new movies to come out and for me to live in the cinema for a while.

So before the year ended, I watched a couple of movies that really clicked with me and that you have to check out if you hadn't.

First it's an indie film that Netflix is currently streaming. It's called In Your Eyes (2014) starring Zoe Kazan, you may know her from Ruby Sparks (2012), she is definitely the queen of indie romantic films. I adore independent films, because they have these experimental elements and unique plots that may or not charm you. You either love or hate these types of films. In this case, the movie, written by Joss Whedon had a unique plot and it's enchanting really. The two lovers have a telepathic power which they can see each other and feel what the other feels the instant they click. I loved it and I feel that's a movie that you can sit on your couch, pop some popcorn and go along with the unique romantic relationship that you'll adore. 

Another Zoe Kazan movie I watched recently was the one she starred along Daniel Radcliffe and Adam Driver called What If (2014). I liked it a lot. It's your typical, young adult movie which the girl has a boyfriend, and the main love interest has no other option, but just to stay friends with his crush. The story just takes you to the insights of these adorable relationships and friendships. Also a stay-in your house movie that you can enjoy with friends or yourself. I enjoyed Radcliffe's humor so much, I mean he's just a comedic genius. I'd love to see him in more romcoms, please @god. 

Last, but not least, (don't mock me guys) is The Hobbit (2012). I watched it FINALLY two years later, but I did. I never had the time to sit down and watch it, because I was not open to many other film genres, but now I am! Thank god for adulthood. I mean I never had an adoring feeling to sci-fi films, up until now and The Hobbit is just too beautiful. I fell in love with the reknowned characters, as well as I had a refreshing memory of the Lord of the Rings, because it's been so long since I watched the first trilogy. Tonight I will see the second part called Desolation of Smaug and I can't wait. I fell in love with the scenery of this film, Bilbo's humor and bravery, because who doesn't love Martin Freeman and of course, having Gandalf as your adventure buddy is a blast. So you have to watch this film if you hadn't, take my advice lol, Anyway if you want a detailed review, just write in the comments and see you later lovelies! Until the next post!