Monday, January 19, 2015

New TV favorites!

Hello there again you lovely people. I wanted to write since the last post, but didn't know of what up until now, and you need to know what I've been obsessing about lately, TV wise.
I'm currently addicted to Agent Carter, Brooklyn Nine Nine and FRIENDS, yes, Phoebe, Monica, Rachel, Joey, Ross and Chandler are my new favorite people to hang around with lately.
First up, I'm going to talk to you about Agent Carter.
It aired its pilot in January 6th in ABC and its a series that revolves around the famous Captain America character, Peggy Carter. This series is just incredible, stylish and kick*ss. I think that everybody should enjoy this show whenever you just sit down in your living room and enjoy the action and the struggle that it was to be a woman in the 1950's, because no one really wanted to live in a time where woman weren't taken seriously, but Agent Carter is the one who goes to distance and proves that women can do a man's job as easily as ever. I enjoy every minute of it, from Howard Stark's trust in Peggy, every punch Agent Carter gives to any villain or thug and also Edwin Jarvis's loyalty to her and Stark. I just know it's the start of something really incredible and I'm looking forward to new episodes every Tuesday at 9pm. Don't miss it!
Next up, Brooklyn Nine Nine!
Now this series is just amazing and original, something fresh and funny that I couldn't stop watching during the winter break. I think I finished like season 1 in two days or something like that. This is a show where we are witnessing the amazing skills of Brooklyn's top detectives and their adventures to their love lives. Jake Peralta, Rosa, Boyle, Amy Santiago, Terry, Gina Linetti and Ray Holt are just a combo you don't want to miss. Incredible acting and I could not stop laughing, because just so hilariously well made program. You need to check it out!
I thanked God, because Netflix decided to stream this classic program, that I've been forever wishing to watch in order and know why the gang is so popular and quotable, and now I HAVE SEEN THE LIGHT. I've NEVER enjoyed and become so obsessed with a show since The Office and I just can't leave a day without watching any of the gang's new stories to find about and how everybody is doing with their lives. I just have become so attached, I cry for them, like if they are going through some horrible breakups or having lousy moments, I just have feels. I just love each of the characters so much. The show actually has something of a complex and profound concept as well as creative and it doesn't ever cease to impress me or surprise me with the new things they do. I just really praise its writing. God bless this series and if you aren't watching it, please do me a favor and reconnect with the 90s with me and see the classic that is FRIENDS.
Until the next post lovelies! xx

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